Cloughjordan Ecovillage sign


Wikipedia describes an Ecovillage as “..a traditional or intentional community with the goal of becoming more socially, culturally, economically, and/or ecologically sustainable”, which perfectly describes the community in Cloughjordan EcoVillage. The village, which spreads over 67 acres, houses an amphitheatre, a large community farm, the riot rye bakery, a hostel and even a lovely bookstore that specialises in permaculture, sustainable living and activism.

Village Characteristics

Apartments behind a large town square

Cloughjordan Ecovillage has a large variety in housing, near the village entrance are a number of spacey apartment blocks surrounding the town square. As you go further in, there are mostly individual plots with houses of much variety in construction, most following an eco philosophy. There are many walking trails to houses off the main paths and roads. Trees encase these trails beautifully (see the images below for an example). Overall, nature is very much in control around these houses. There are no managed lawns or unfamiliar plants to be seen.

Energy and Waste Management

A large solar panel array

The village has an installation of a 500m² solar panel array, and every building appears to have their own installations of some kind of panel. In terms of waste management, the village is dependent on the local council water treatment facilities. This dependency however has stopped the village from expanding, the facilities being at max capacity means they must either find their own solutions or work with the government to improve the system already in place, which they appear to be doing.

Final Thoughts

The Ecovillage is a fascinating place, it’s calm, peaceful soundscape adds to the way of life there. The village is host to many interesting people, and equally interesting projects. It’s a host for a boom of culture and nature that meets the goals of the original project.

Further Reading

A community building
a community building
Tree-lined path
Tree-lined path
A wattle & daub round house
a wattle and daub round house