September Update

It’s been a while, huh? I had been intending to update this every month this year, but unfortunately life had other ideas and I got fairly busy.

Some major projects have been completed during the summer. Adwaitapod 3.0 was released, and is now pretty much stable and bug-free. This update has really brought the project to where I envisioned it from the start, and brings so much to the table for iPods. I pushed the limits of what Rockbox’s theming engine can do, which was difficult, but the results have been worth it. I still have a promo push I want to do for this project, with a friend of mine making up a small trailer for it, and a dedicated website ready to go alongside it. I want to experiment with doing publicity for my themes, hopefully it can save a few more devices from landfill.

After that, I got to redesigning and rebuilding my website. A massive undertaking, with a goal to make it more efficient and better designed. It’s also now the smallest it’s ever been, with the homepage sitting at a tiny 43kB (which includes fonts and a png image!). The css file is 3.33kB, which I’m really proud of since I managed to cram so much into it. The wiki has been massively expanded, and now is a lot better organised. There’s been a bunch of big changes, I really recommend checking it all out and also reading the blog post about it!

There’s been a bunch more stuff completed this summer, but things will also be slowing down a lot now sadly. I recently started back up in college after a two year break, I’m now doing a bachelor of arts in Interaction Design, something that is far more catered towards my interests and focuses with design as a tool. It’s pretty full on, so my free time is practically non-existent now which is disappointing. But I aim to slowly get to work on stuff when I can!

Until next time, whenever that may be - Dook